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Sunday, June 29, 2008 @14:58:00

Story Of Man

God : "Ah Gu" (cow) I had created you. Your job is to go to the field with the farmer all day long. You will provide the energy to pull thing. You will also provide milk for Chinese to drink. You are to work all day under the sun. In return, you will get only to eat grass. For that, you will had a life span of 50 years

Cow : Objection! What .... I work all under the sun and only get to eat grass. On top of that, I have to give my milk away. So tough, you want me to live 50 years. I will take 20 years and you have the remaining 30 years back

God : OK (agreed)

God : "Ah Kow" (dog) I had created you for purpose. You are to sit by the door of your master's house. Should any one come in, you are to bark at him. In return, you will get to eat your master leftovers . I will give you 20 years life span.

Dog : Objection! What ..... I need to sit by the doors all day and will bark at people, and what I get to eat ....... LEFTOVERS! This isn't right, I will take 10 years and the remaining 10 years keep it for yourself.

God : OK (agreed)

God : "Lao Kao" (monkey) I had created you for purpose. Your job is to entertain people. You will make them laugh, act stupid and make faces. You will also do somersaults and swing on tree to amaze them. In return you get to eat bananas and peanuts. For that I give you 20 years to live.
Monkey : Objection! This is ridiculous, I gotta make faces and make people laugh and even do somersaults and swing from tree to tree. Tell you what, I give 10 years of my life to thank you for my existence and I will take 10 years.

God : OK (agreed)

God : Man, I had created you . You are my best piece of work, for that you only need to sleep, eat, play, sleep and again and again and do nothing else. You will get to eat the best food and play the best toys. All you have to do is enjoy all your life. For this kind of life, I will give you 20 years.

Man : Objection. What all I had to do is relax and enjoy myself and get 20 years. Tell you what, you have 30 years back from Ah Kow, 10 years from Ah Gu and 10 years from Lao Kao and probably you don't know what to do with this life's. Why not I take them all and I will have 70 years life span to live.

God : OK no problem (with smile)

We eat, sleep, play and enjoy life for the first 20 years when we are growing up.
Work like a cow for the next 30 years to raise our family.
Sit outside the door and bark next 10 years after retired
And finally, we make faces and peform monkey tricks to entertain our grandchildren for the final 10 years.
p.s. no offence intended. just something amusing i stumbled upon. maybe we shouldn't be so greedy. hmm.

♥ you and i both loved

Friday, June 27, 2008 @21:25:00

one week into school. nothing much happening. it's pretty much of a rush now. to be able to do as many things as possible. pretty much cramped up and squeezed schedule. many things to get done. little time. j1's having terms. seems like yesterday that i just sat for terms. how time flies. hub is open for mugging. perhaps i shall stay more often. thursday's session was productive.

went for NS check-up on monday. pesD for the time being. till they discover the truth about whether i have thalessemia. most probably will end up in pesB. let's just get NS over and done with.

made someone very upset recently. deeply apologetic. but apologies are just words. tried to comfort. but ended up doing worse. i may not be born with a silver tongue, but i promise to be there to listen.

spain's in the first finals for many years. after beating russia. so it's spain vs germany in the finals. i'll be rooting for spain. go spain. i don't think i'll get up and watch though.

another anonymous tagger. please do have the courtesy at least to put down your name. instead of coming up with random nicknames. if you have something to say. admit it.

♥ you and i both loved

Thursday, June 26, 2008 @22:11:00

This morning I woke up,
Bursting with confidence,
Overflowing with excitement,
I was convinced I'd done it,
Convinced I had succeeded

When I found out the news,
I was crushed,
Feeling empty and broken,
But somehow I managed,
To pull myself together,
Determined not to cry
Determined to be fine

Disappointment can be bitter
You feel as if you've lost your worth
But without disappointment,
We have nowhere left to go

Hope can be amazing,
You feel ready to face a better future
Because without hope,
We are forever lost

This morning I woke up,
Grasping for perfection,
Tonight I fall asleep --
Perfection eluding me,
But hope residing in my heart.



perhaps thats all i am. a huge disappointment. but. you're not. so. have faith.

♥ you and i both loved

Sunday, June 22, 2008 @16:18:00

i met a nice girl. a bright spark. always positive. it was also nice to talk to her. she was very encouraging. but somehow. i feel that i've let her down. the faith she had in me. im not mugging. this is bad. im sorry.

♥ you and i both loved

Friday, June 20, 2008 @17:18:00

today's like the last official day of school holidays. so sad =( let's see. and what have i accomplished? 2 chem prelim papers, halogen tutorial, 1 gp compre, 1 essy plan and i managed to study abit of math. dammit. it's not enough. i need to work harder. i need to mug.

♥ you and i both loved

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 @17:29:00

kungfu panda is nice! it's hilarious. favourite character. mister old tortoise. note how he's called master ooguay. and how the rat's called master shifu. lol.

"there is no good news or bad news. only news." -master ooguay.

♥ you and i both loved

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 @17:19:00

ooo. interesting phone. hahax. will wait for the price. or maybe i'll end up getting the iPhone! hahax. but i heard it's not going to be cheap =(

♥ you and i both loved

Monday, June 16, 2008 @18:01:00

"The only way to comprehend what mathematicians mean by Infinity is to contemplate the extent of human stupidity." - Voltaire

♥ you and i both loved

Thursday, June 12, 2008 @17:29:00

♥ you and i both loved

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 @17:54:00

hmm. i sitting down here blogging. when should be at cip. why why? let's see. well. this morning i woke up and went to school for GP consultation. armed with my compre, we set out to question miss s as much as we can. when i got there, only daryl was there. was supposed to have 4 people. but surprise surprise, one cancelled it. i should have taken that as a omen of things to come. but i didn't think much of it and we spent 45 minutes talking about AQ =) wow.

with GP a done deal and a reality check on how close prelim are, daryl and i went to JEC for lunch, waiting for 3pm to go to salvation army to play soccer with the kids again. after munching on macs and discussing about euro (how spain rocks) we went to change (okay, perhaps only me) and stood outside the arcade watching people waste ther money, while waiting for stanley to come.

ring ring the phone rang. it was stanley. woots.
he went: "i have bad news."
so i was like: "what? u broke your leg and can't come?"
"no. they cancelled it last minute."

so. the rest of it was as they say history. and we were like wa lao. and now. this is how i ended up sitting in front of the computer blogging. this was my day. how was yours? =)

♥ you and i both loved

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @16:48:00

finally. human contact! whee. monday went to salvation army. some shelter for under-privileged kids. quite an interesting experience. all we had to do was play and talk. played soccer with them. played quite badly. which goes to show how long it has been since i last played. hahax. and i can get frustrating at times playing with little kids. hahax. though some were good. the kids were cute. the way they played. the effort some of them put in. we talked with some of them.

saw an interesting game of truth AND dare. hahax. funny dares ad funny truths. all of which seemed to revolve around BGR. hahax. sherlyn got asked. "is that yellow guy (stanley) your boyfriend?". Hilarious. with dares involving going up to someone asking to go steady or telling them "you're handsome". the innocence of it all. hahax.

and and and! hari somehow got a fan club. seems that he's popular wherever he goes. hahax. going back on wednesday. which is tomorrow. hahax. look forward to playing and talking again! hahax.

my mugging doesn't seem to be getting any better. hahax. i know i'll look back and regret for not mugging but i just can't seem to get started proper. which is frustrating. dammit.

i wanna go out with friends soon. meaningless holidays if you don't go out with friends. but everyone's busy busy busy!

♥ you and i both loved

Wednesday, June 04, 2008 @17:18:00

yoohoo. it's the holidays and i'm rotting at home. literally rotting. i have no idea what i'm doing and everyday seems like a drag. it's like a boring cycle that keeps on repeating itself. perhaps this is what a hermit's life is like. boring. i totally don't have a social life! omg. i've been wanting t go out. but there's nobody to date. nobody to ask out to mug either. so i'm rotting at home.

i've started revision. or at least attempted to. did some chem prelim papers and realised that i pretty much forgot alot of stuff. apart from that and the fact that i'm super inefficient at home, i would say that my revision's going on just fine. and i can't believe that i'm sitting for A's already. there's tonnes of stuff to revise for and i have like what? barely 3 weeks left. i'm like omg so dead la. i miss guitar. just playing is so great. no worries no stress. hahax.

know this girl. been chatting alot. quite an inter sting person. hahax. like there's so many things to know. and her blog is like omg hilarious especially with certain posts about whatshisname =) hahax. that's basically my social life now. damn. i'm such a loser.

♥ you and i both loved

Monday, June 02, 2008 @16:53:00

here's one dedicated to my section!

nat. our beloved president and SL. the guy who taught us pretty much everything. every piece and every note. every vibrato and every glissando. hahax. turned out we're the best section! hahax. "smile more" =P thanks for everything dude. always remembered. hahax.

charis. ASL. our very own affiliation to.. hahax. always giving her trouble and gl-ing her. what fun. whee. hahax. ah well. i guess the times of doing so is over. hahax. no more practices =(

cynthia. aka qm. or aka stoner. forever stone when playing. no idea how she does it. seems impossible to get her to smile throughout one song. hahax. stone on! hahax.

jin xuan. friends since sec3. need to say more?

jon. the joker to turn to when learning chords. hahax. crazy job during glissando with is canon in d. random comments random songs during practices. best person to speak chinese to. it was interesting to watch his love life unfold. great friend.

kanin! (guy in the mid. can't really find a solo photo of him) cuttlefish! hahax. saturday practices would have been so hungry without his cuttlefish! hahax. cool hair. never a dull moment with him and lidya around =) rock on dude. bring home the GWH to ACGE! thanks for teaching us thai. hahax.
and of course. there's one more.

lidya. though moved to g1. but forever a g3. hahax. nice cookies she baked. and as mentioned. never a dull moment with her and kanin around. forever arguing over something. just like husband and wife. thanks for talking rubbish with me. hahax. work hard too and bring back glory to the ensemble.

♥ you and i both loved

& Me

i'm mr huang. according to someone.
and apparently i have 1001 friends.
and they love "taste from the orient"
but normal people call me ruijie. or rj.
was born on 7th may.
18 years wasted.
was part of mayflower primary.
transferred to pps.
pps-cheetah 3m,4l,5k,6l,
rvhs-centaur 1/2h,3/4d,
acj-erif-salamander 1sb3/ as before
was a member of rvnc and ac guitar
horoscope is taurus
blood type is O i guess
msn me at thedevilawakens@gmail.com

& eScapadeS


4 Do.iT


the yawn


swai ming




January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009

& talkS

& listening to

Alone again naturally - Alone again naturally


this layout was done by jeanette. the fonts were from dafont,image was from threadless and brushes were from 100x100.pls do not take out the credits. :]